Quantum Imaging

Spectrum Diagnostic Imaging, LLC is committed to providing outstanding patient care in the Pompano Beach area, but before you commit to Spectrum Diagnostic Imaging, LLC for a procedure make sure you compare and shop for the medical procedures you require. It may save you hundreds of dollars. To compare Spectrum Diagnostic Imaging, LLC to other healthcare providers in the Pompano Beach, FL area simply click on the procedure name below to see the other facilities and prices in your area.

Featured Procedure Costs Quantum Imaging

Procedure Price Range
MRI Cervical Spine $700 - $1,500 Free Quote
MRI Foot, Ankle, Leg, Hip (Lower Extremity) $525 - $1,150 Free Quote
Brain MRI $875 - $1,900 Free Quote
MRI Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Hand (Upper Extremity) $525 - $1,150 Free Quote
Breast MRI (Both Breasts) $975 - $2,175 Free Quote
Abdominal MRI $850 - $1,850 Free Quote
Pelvic MRI $825 - $1,800 Free Quote
MRA Brain $1,100 - $2,325 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
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Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
In a city where MRI facilities are as common as McDonald's are, unfortunately I picked Spectrum Diagnostic Imaging, LLC from the listed provided to me by my doctor. I have had an MRI done before and I have never had a problem. In fact, I didn't have a problem at all with getting the MRI itself. However, when it came time to get the scans so I could bring them to my orthopedic, that proved to be impossible. I have been trying for MONTHS to get the disk, something they told me and my attorney only takes minutes to make. After going back and forth with them for two months, I finally contacted my attorney for help. Last week, my attorney called Spectrum and they told my attorney that I could pick up my disk anytime today (Wednesday, September 19th). When I called to be sure the disk was ready, I was told it was not, they had no record of me coming in today and that I would have to wait until tomorrow. Well, tomorrow I have to go in for numerous procedures to determine whether or not the lump in my left breast is cancerous, so that was out of the question. I contacted my attorney AGAIN, who then called Spectrum with me on the line. The woman who answered the phone was just as rude to the attorney who referred me as she was to me. My attorney, frustrated, stated to the woman, "You are extremely unprofessional and this office will never refer another client to your facility again." The woman at Spectrum said simply, "That's your loss!" and then hung up on my attorney and I. I wouldn't send a cockroach to Spectrum for an MRI. And I DESPISE cockroaches. So, that's my opinion in a nutshell. Cockroaches are better than Spectrum Diagnostic. Broward County has a hundred or more MRI centers. Do yourself a favor and go to anyone other than Spectrum. Unless of course you like crappy service, rude employees, and doing business with a completely inept company.
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Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
0 stars
In a city where MRI facilities are as common as McDonald's are, unfortunately I picked Spectrum Diagnostic Imaging, LLC from the listed provided to me by my doctor. I have had an MRI done before and I have never had a problem. In fact, I didn't have a problem at all with getting the MRI itself. However, when it came time to get the scans so I could bring them to my orthopedic, that proved to be impossible. I have been trying for MONTHS to get the disk, something they told me and my attorney only takes minutes to make. After going back and forth with them for two months, I finally contacted my attorney for help. Last week, my attorney called Spectrum and they told my attorney that I could pick up my disk anytime today (Wednesday, September 19th). When I called to be sure the disk was ready, I was told it was not, they had no record of me coming in today and that I would have to wait until tomorrow. Well, tomorrow I have to go in for numerous procedures to determine whether or not the lump in my left breast is cancerous, so that was out of the question. I contacted my attorney AGAIN, who then called Spectrum with me on the line. The woman who answered the phone was just as rude to the attorney who referred me as she was to me. My attorney, frustrated, stated to the woman, "You are extremely unprofessional and this office will never refer another client to your facility again." The woman at Spectrum said simply, "That's your loss!" and then hung up on my attorney and I. I wouldn't send a cockroach to Spectrum for an MRI. And I DESPISE cockroaches. So, that's my opinion in a nutshell. Cockroaches are better than Spectrum Diagnostic. Broward County has a hundred or more MRI centers. Do yourself a favor and go to anyone other than Spectrum. Unless of course you like crappy service, rude employees, and doing business with a completely inept company.
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Quantum Imaging compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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