Divine Diagnostics

5005 East 14 Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48310

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Divine Diagnostic is the leading provider of portable diagnostics to the long-term care community in Metro Detroit. We know what matters most to our clients – responsive service and results you can rely on. For us, these are not just goals or targets, these are the principles that govern all that we do. We understand that there is no such thing as a routine test. Divine Diagnostic produces the most reliable and trusted result – a result that long-term care administrators know they can rely upon for critical clinical decision making. Our vision is to be recognized for its progressive and personal services as we work to improve our organization and delivery of health care services to our patients. We offer the kind of service you are looking for – caring staff in a modern facility, using state-of-the-art technology. Our friendly staff puts you at ease as they guide through each step of your procedure with care and compassion. We offer weekend appointments and strive to provide results within a 24-hour period. We accept most insurance carriers as well as non-insured patients. We maintain patient satisfaction with our best care and knowledge. We will provide patients with an excellent, comprehensive plan of care based on knowledge, experience and professional standards as a licensed diagnostic company.

Featured Procedure Costs Divine Diagnostics

Procedure Price Range
Abdominal Ultrasound $50 - $110 Free Quote
Pelvic Ultrasound $50 - $100 Free Quote
Head and Neck Ultrasound $50 - $110 Free Quote
Breast Ultrasound $40 - $90 Free Quote
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Divine Diagnostics compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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