Arcadia, FL Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Welcome to the Arcadia Healthcare Community on NewChoiceHealth where you will be able to locate providers in your market and view cost information for procedures that you may need.

Procedure Pricing & Savings Information

Top Procedures Performed at Arcadia Hospitals and Cost Averages

Procedure Low Price High Price Potential Savings
Colonoscopy $1,150 $3,700 $2,550 Free Quote
CT Scan $1,050 $2,775 $1,725 Free Quote
Echo $575 $1,500 $925 Free Quote
EKG $230 $600 $370 Free Quote
Endoscopy $1,450 $4,700 $3,250 Free Quote
Mammogram $200 $500 $300 Free Quote
MRA $1,750 $4,600 $2,850 Free Quote
MRI $775 $1,950 $1,175 Free Quote
Stress Test $875 $2,250 $1,375 Free Quote
Ultrasound $360 $950 $590 Free Quote
X-Ray $340 $875 $535 Free Quote

Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in Arcadia

Facility City Beds Type of Facility
Desoto Memorial Hospital Arcadia 49 Acute Care Hospital

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