32nd Street Surgery Center

32nd Street Surgery Center is a Ambulatory Surgical Center in Joplin, MO. This medical facility offers procedures at prices which are above average for the market. They are located at 1531 E 32nd St in Joplin, MO 64804

New Choice Health strives to provide important information that you should consider prior to purchasing procedures. Before you consider using 32nd Street Surgery Center, please compare other Joplin, MO area providers. Request a Free Quote.

Featured Procedure Costs 32nd Street Surgery Center

Procedure Price Range
Colonoscopy $1,200 - $3,200 Free Quote
Upper GI Endoscopy $1,300 - $3,300 Free Quote
Knee Repair Surgery $2,100 - $6,400 Free Quote
Cataract Eye Surgery $675 - $2,175 Free Quote
Shoulder Repair Surgery $3,100 - $9,600 Free Quote
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Surgery - Groin or Abdomen $4,000 - $12,600 Free Quote
Rotator Cuff Surgery $3,400 - $10,700 Free Quote
Ovary Surgery $1,550 - $4,900 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
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0 stars
I was billed 9 times the standard rate, so that my insurance would pay as much as possible. I had to pre-pay my part of the cost, and when my insurance paid more than orignally assumed they would, my part should have been several hundred less than what I paid, but they kept the money to cover the cost of other patients who's insurance didn't cover as well as mine.
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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3 stars
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0 stars
I am writing as a patient advocate on behalf of a growing number of complaints from patients of mine. I've heard few complaints about the doctors, facilities, or results of surgeries but time and time again patients have complained about the facility misrepresenting themselves as an in-network provider. Unfortunately this group participates with strikingly few payers (which they are well aware of) and appear to use their non-participating status as an opportunity to routinely gauge patients for exorbitant charges. Often patients come to me and say they had to have a lesion removed. When they called the provider the billers verified their insurance (purely a dog and pony practice) but did not notify the patients that they would be out-of-network. Then they receive a bill for $6000+ for a removal of a lesion procedure. $6,000 is more than doctors in LA and NYC charge for invasive procedures such as cataracts, abdomenal procedures, fracture fixations etc.... I now warn all patients to stay away from this facility or at the very least make sure you yourself verify with your insurance that you are in fact in-network and if not find a better facilty (i.e. a hospital). **I hestitate to say it but this practice is one of the worst I've come across in 15years of non-profit patient advocacy work. The take full advantage of patients with non-network payers, and almost set up traps by leading the patients to believe that their bills will be covered by their payers (they will but not at the same rate or level that they're payers' will reimburse for in-network facilities)**
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0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
2 stars
1 stars
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0 stars
0 stars
I was billed 9 times the standard rate, so that my insurance would pay as much as possible. I had to pre-pay my part of the cost, and when my insurance paid more than orignally assumed they would, my part should have been several hundred less than what I paid, but they kept the money to cover the cost of other patients who's insurance didn't cover as well as mine.
1 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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3 stars
3 stars
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0 stars
I am writing as a patient advocate on behalf of a growing number of complaints from patients of mine. I've heard few complaints about the doctors, facilities, or results of surgeries but time and time again patients have complained about the facility misrepresenting themselves as an in-network provider. Unfortunately this group participates with strikingly few payers (which they are well aware of) and appear to use their non-participating status as an opportunity to routinely gauge patients for exorbitant charges. Often patients come to me and say they had to have a lesion removed. When they called the provider the billers verified their insurance (purely a dog and pony practice) but did not notify the patients that they would be out-of-network. Then they receive a bill for $6000+ for a removal of a lesion procedure. $6,000 is more than doctors in LA and NYC charge for invasive procedures such as cataracts, abdomenal procedures, fracture fixations etc.... I now warn all patients to stay away from this facility or at the very least make sure you yourself verify with your insurance that you are in fact in-network and if not find a better facilty (i.e. a hospital). **I hestitate to say it but this practice is one of the worst I've come across in 15years of non-profit patient advocacy work. The take full advantage of patients with non-network payers, and almost set up traps by leading the patients to believe that their bills will be covered by their payers (they will but not at the same rate or level that they're payers' will reimburse for in-network facilities)**
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how 32nd Street Surgery Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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