Canyon Medical Center

2100 SW Camelot Ct Portland, OR 97225

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Non-invasive, real-time testing performed by a physician with the advantage of having the results at the time of service. OB Ultrasound, we specialize in routine and diagnostic ultrasounds for test such as confirmation of pregnancy, confirmation of gestational age, fetal anatomy screening and biophysical profiles for near-term pregnancies. Gynecological Ultrasound, pelvic ultrasounds often prove valuable when evaluating gynecological problems. Common issues we can evaluate are infertility, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, structural issues causing menstrual irregularities. Thyroid Ultrasound, Thyroid problems are common in today's world. In many cases, thyroid ultrasound can help evaluate pathological processes in the thyroid gland. CIMT, Carotid Intima Medial Thickness is a test that measures the thickness of the carotid artery. It allows the physician to evaluate the presence of cardiovascular disease, especially when there are no symptoms. Vascular age assessment is extremely valuable in the process of preventing cardiovascular disease. Canyon Medical Center is conveniently located in SW Portland and has offered quality ultrasound imaging for over 20 years.

Featured Procedure Costs Canyon Medical Center

Procedure Price Range
Fetal Biophysical Profile $70 - $150 Free Quote
Head and Neck Ultrasound $60 - $130 Free Quote
Abdominal Ultrasound $70 - $150 Free Quote
Pelvic Ultrasound $70 - $140 Free Quote
Pregnant Ultrasound $50 - $110 Free Quote
Ultrasound of the Uterus $60 - $130 Free Quote
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