Labcorp Riverdale

Labcorp Riverdale is a Laboratory located in Riverdale, GA capable of running the full gambit of medical lab testing. Almost all insurances are accepted and if you are uninsured please be sure to ask for the cash pay price as often the list price of laboratory procedures are marked up significantly. Appointments are almost always required so please call 770-994-1597 ahead of time to schedule an appointment. Please note, doctors' orders are often required to have lab work done.

Featured Procedure Costs Labcorp Riverdale

Procedure Price Range
Basic Metabolic Panel $20 - $150 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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This by far the worst LabCorp I have ever seen. I cant even remember the lady name but she was very rude and unprofessional with with me and other clients. She was also rushing because it was almost time for them to go to lunch and they didn't want to be held back. She even told a man to sit down the she snatch his papers out of his hand because she was in a rush. Now I know that they all have to be trained on children and sometime they may have to hold them you know to collect blood. In this case my child was there to see what she was allergic to. My child only needed one more tube and she told me no because she was crying to much and that my child was to strong for her to hold and that I'm going to have to come back another time and told the other worker to throw away the 2 tubes that she already collected away....WHAT? My child will be the same was so what going to be any different. Are you going to just keep sending me away because they don't know how to do there job. This is not fair. Any my child really need this, the have no idea. Now i have to start over because of them.
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Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
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0 stars
I came in for a drug test and had to use the restroom,so I asked for the keys because they were locked Ms kionna Mitchell handed me the key,as I returned to the front desk she said what are you here for I said a drug test, she turned to me and said you shouldn't have used the restroom knowing you came here for a drug test, now your going to sit over there and drink 5 cups of water and wait 3 hours before I can get to you,in a rude and unprofessional tone of voice,so I shook it off, being the person i am I'm going to come to a place of business and act the fool,so I went took a seat and waited for 20 minutes and another staff called me up, and Ms kionna Mitchell told her not to see me, so I waited 30 minutes and I had to use the restroom again after drinking the 5 cups of water she stated I had to drink, so I went back to the desk and said i have to go again she brushed me off and said I'll get to shortly, she's very rude and unprofessional, there's no need for that type of attitude especially for a doctor's office,they should at least put signs up stateting you can't use the restroom if your here for a drug test, simple I'll never go back to this place of business nor would i recommend anyone to visit that facility..
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Procedure Price Range
Basic Metabolic Panel $20 - $150 Free Quote
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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0 stars
This by far the worst LabCorp I have ever seen. I cant even remember the lady name but she was very rude and unprofessional with with me and other clients. She was also rushing because it was almost time for them to go to lunch and they didn't want to be held back. She even told a man to sit down the she snatch his papers out of his hand because she was in a rush. Now I know that they all have to be trained on children and sometime they may have to hold them you know to collect blood. In this case my child was there to see what she was allergic to. My child only needed one more tube and she told me no because she was crying to much and that my child was to strong for her to hold and that I'm going to have to come back another time and told the other worker to throw away the 2 tubes that she already collected away....WHAT? My child will be the same was so what going to be any different. Are you going to just keep sending me away because they don't know how to do there job. This is not fair. Any my child really need this, the have no idea. Now i have to start over because of them.
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
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0 stars
I came in for a drug test and had to use the restroom,so I asked for the keys because they were locked Ms kionna Mitchell handed me the key,as I returned to the front desk she said what are you here for I said a drug test, she turned to me and said you shouldn't have used the restroom knowing you came here for a drug test, now your going to sit over there and drink 5 cups of water and wait 3 hours before I can get to you,in a rude and unprofessional tone of voice,so I shook it off, being the person i am I'm going to come to a place of business and act the fool,so I went took a seat and waited for 20 minutes and another staff called me up, and Ms kionna Mitchell told her not to see me, so I waited 30 minutes and I had to use the restroom again after drinking the 5 cups of water she stated I had to drink, so I went back to the desk and said i have to go again she brushed me off and said I'll get to shortly, she's very rude and unprofessional, there's no need for that type of attitude especially for a doctor's office,they should at least put signs up stateting you can't use the restroom if your here for a drug test, simple I'll never go back to this place of business nor would i recommend anyone to visit that facility..
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