Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost and Procedure Information

Vaginal hysterectomy is the surgical removal of uterus through the vagina. This procedure is sometimes performed laparoscopically, though it is usually performed with long surgical tools through a small incision inside the vagina. Vaginal hysterectomies are performed at hospitals. Patients are able to go home after one or two days in the hospital. General recovery takes three to four weeks.

National Hysterectomy Vaginal Procedure Pricing Summary

National Minimum Price $6,826 (Oklahoma City, OK)
National Average Price $11,092
National Maximum Price $18,772 (Oklahoma City, OK)

Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Averages Around the Country

Price Range
Detroit, MI Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $4,400 - $11,900
Tampa, FL Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $4,100 - $11,300
Baltimore, MD Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $15,200 - $41,700
San Francisco, CA Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $5,900 - $16,000
Denver, CO Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $4,700 - $12,900
Seattle, WA Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $5,000 - $13,700
Boston, MA Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $5,400 - $14,800
Minneapolis, MN Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $4,400 - $12,100
San Diego, CA Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $5,900 - $16,000
St. Louis, MO Hysterectomy Vaginal Cost Average $3,900 - $10,700
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Featured Facilities that Perform Hysterectomy Vaginal

Name Location Price Range
Davis Duehr Surgery Center Madison , WI $4,700 - $12,900
Lexington Regional Health Center Lexington , NE $21,200 - $58,100
Kearney County Health Services Hospital Minden , NE $21,200 - $58,100
St. Mary's Ambulatory Surgery Center Richmond , VA $3,900 - $10,500
Surgery Center of Pottsville Pottsville , PA $4,100 - $11,200
Kaiser Permanente Honolulu Clinic-ASC Honolulu , HI $5,200 - $14,100
Bayside Surgery Center N Falmouth , MA $5,600 - $15,400
Corpus Christi Outpatient Surgery Corpus Christi , TX $3,900 - $10,600
Athens Surgery Center Athens , OH $4,300 - $11,600
Mifflin County Community Surgical Center Lewistown , PA $4,100 - $11,200
Surgery Center of Sandusky Sandusky , OH $4,300 - $11,600
Decatur Healthcare Decatur , IL $4,100 - $11,100
Jasper Memorial Hospital Monticello , GA $26,900 - $73,900
Southeast Treatment Center Kingsland , GA $3,700 - $10,200
The Surgery Center at Jensen Beach Jensen Beach , FL $4,100 - $11,300
Valley Outpatient Surgery Center Spokane Valley , WA $5,000 - $13,700
Same Day Surgiclinic Fall River , MA $5,600 - $15,400
G. Baker Hubbard Ambulatory Surgery Center Jackson , TN $3,800 - $10,300
Ohio Valley Surgery Center Chillicothe , OH $4,300 - $11,600
Ukiah Surgery Center Ukiah , CA $5,900 - $16,000
Martha Jefferson Outpatient Surgery Center Charlottesville , VA $3,900 - $10,500
SCDI Surgery Center Carson City , NV $4,500 - $12,400
Roanoke Ambulatory Surgery Center Roanoke , VA $3,900 - $10,500
Northwest Ambulatory Surgery Center Bellingham , WA $5,000 - $13,700
Vincennes Surgery Center Vincennes , IN $4,200 - $11,400
Carlsbad Surgery Center Carlsbad , CA $5,900 - $16,000
Roper West Ashley Surgery Center Charleston , SC $4,200 - $11,500
Candler Hospital Savannah , GA $6,100 - $16,700
Christus Santa Rosa Surgery Center San Antonio , TX $3,900 - $10,600
Physician Surgery Center Rolla , MO $3,900 - $10,600

Hysterectomy Vaginal Information & Details

Vaginal Hysterectomy Cost and Procedure Introduction

A vaginal hysterectomy is a procedure performed through a tiny incision inside the vagina, using long surgical tools. In some cases, the surgeon will use a laparoscope. During this procedure, uterus is removed through the vagina. Vaginal hysterectomies are performed in a hospital by a general surgeon or gynecologist. A vaginal hysterectomy may be necessary to treat fibroids, endometriosis, gynecologic cancer, uterine prolapse, abnormal vaginal bleeding or chronic pelvis pain. This type of hysterectomy requires less time in the hospital, costs less and has a faster recovery time than an open abdominal hysterectomy. Patients stay in the hospital for one to two days. General recovery takes three to four weeks, though patients may need to wait up to six weeks before vaginal intercourse or heavy lifting.

Patient Preparation for Vaginal Hysterectomy

A physical examination will be performed along with blood or other diagnostic tests, such as a CT scan ultrasound or electrocardiogram. It is particularly important to inform the physician of all medications or vitamins taken regularly. Also, tell your doctor if you have heart, lung or other medical conditions that may need special attention, and, finally, if you have a history of bleeding disorders or if you are taking any anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, aspirin, or other medications that affect blood clotting. You will be given instructions in advance that will outline what you should and should not do in preparation for the surgery; be sure to read and follow those instructions. You will be asked to fast for eight hours before the procedure, generally after midnight. Arrangements may need to be made for transportation after the surgery is complete. If you are given a prescription for pain medication, have it filled prior to surgery. It’s a good idea to get someone to help you at home for a few days.

What to Expect During and After Vaginal Hysterectomy

The surgery itself usually takes one to three hours, but the preparation and recovery time may add several hours. You will stay in the hospital for one to two days after the procedure. After checking in to the surgical facility and going back to the preop room, an intravenous line is inserted into the arm to administer a sedative and a painkiller. This procedure is done while you are under general anesthesia (unconscious and pain-free). Your heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and oxygen level will be monitored during the procedure. The surgeon will make a small incision in your vagina. Using the camera on the laparoscope, the surgeon will clamp uterine blood vessels. After the uterus has been separated from the fallopian tubes, ovaries and connective tissue, the surgeon will remove the uterus with the tools on the scope. After any damaged tissue is then repaired, the surgeon will use absorbable stitches to control any bleeding that may have been caused. The vaginal incision will be closed with stiches.

After surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room for observation. Once your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are stable and you are alert, you will most often be taken to your hospital room. Before being discharged, you will be given instructions about limits on activities and what you should do to aid your recovery. If you notice any of the following, call the number the hospital gave you: Fever, excessive sweating, difficulty urinating, excessive bleeding (there will be some bloody discharge for up to several weeks after the procedure) or worsening pain. You may experience a range of emotions — both good and bad — after a hysterectomy. Discuss these with your doctor as they occur.

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