An X-Ray Procedure is used to study and diagnose disease of the skeletal system as well as for detecting some disease processes in soft tissue. X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs on film. X-rays are made by using external radiation to produce images of the body, its organs and other internal structures for diagnostic purposes. X-rays pass through body tissues onto specially treated plates (similar to camera film) and a “negative” type picture is made (the more solid a structure is, the whiter it appears on the film).
National Minimum Price | $105 | (Jonesboro, AR) |
National Average Price | $148 | |
National Maximum Price | $271 | (Jonesboro, AR) |
Price Range | |
Seattle, WA Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $140 - $360 |
San Francisco, CA Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $240 - $600 |
San Diego, CA Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $150 - $390 |
Minneapolis, MN Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $140 - $350 |
Baltimore, MD Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $150 - $390 |
Boston, MA Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $180 - $470 |
Denver, CO Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $120 - $300 |
Detroit, MI Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $120 - $300 |
St. Louis, MO Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $160 - $410 |
Tampa, FL Pelvic X-Ray Cost Average | $120 - $310 |
Name | Location | Price Range |
Provena United Samaritans Medical Center | Danville , IL | $220 - $575 |
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics | Madison , WI | $350 - $900 |
Twin City Hospital | Dennison , OH | $410 - $1,050 |
Open MRI of Camden | Kingsland , GA | $70 - $170 |
Ouachita County Medical Center | Camden , AR | $200 - $525 |
Marion General Hospital | Marion , IN | $270 - $675 |
Liberty Regional Medical Center | Hinesville , GA | $410 - $1,100 |
Coshocton County Memorial Hospital | Coshocton , OH | $160 - $400 |
Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic | Tallahassee , FL | $70 - $180 |
Mcdonough District Hospital | Macomb , IL | $200 - $525 |
Springhill Medical Center | Springhill , LA | $280 - $725 |
Lifecare Diagnostics | Seneca Falls , NY | $70 - $170 |
Sutter Coast Hospital | Crescent City , CA | $320 - $825 |
Woods Memorial Hospital District | Etowah , TN | $220 - $575 |
Advanced Open MRI | Lincoln , NE | $70 - $160 |
Golden Plains Community Hospital | Borger , TX | $410 - $1,050 |
Salem Imaging | Salem , OR | $70 - $170 |
Moore Regional Hospital | Pinehurst , NC | $140 - $350 |
Coral Desert Imaging Center | St George , UT | $70 - $170 |
Saint Vincent Frankfort Hospital | Frankfort , IN | $410 - $1,050 |
Fremont Area Medical Center | Fremont , NE | $210 - $550 |
Open MRI of Decatur | Decatur , AL | $70 - $160 |
Mahaska Hospital | Oskaloosa , IA | $350 - $925 |
Wilson Medical Center | Wilson , NC | $230 - $600 |
Sutter Lakeside Hospital | Lakeport , CA | $410 - $1,050 |
J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital | Huntingdon , PA | $180 - $460 |
Palo Pinto General Hospital | Mineral Wells , TX | $150 - $380 |
Muskogee Regional Medical Center | Muskogee , OK | $210 - $525 |
Physicians Plaza Imaging of Bartlett | Bartlett , TN | $70 - $170 |
Glencoe Regional Health Services | Glencoe , MN | $380 - $975 |
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