Lander Valley Medical Center

Lander Valley Medical Center is a Acute Care Hospital with 89 Inpatient Beds in Lander, WY. This medical facility offers procedures at prices which are below average for the market. They are located at 1320 Bishop Randall Drive in Lander, WY 82520

New Choice Health strives to provide important information that you should consider prior to purchasing procedures. Before you consider using Lander Valley Medical Center, please compare other Riverton, WY area providers. Request a Free Quote.

Featured Procedure Costs Lander Valley Medical Center

Procedure Price Range
Chest X-Ray $750 - $1,650 Free Quote
Electrocardiogram $330 - $700 Free Quote
CT Scan of Abdomen $950 - $2,100 Free Quote
CT Pelvis Scan $1,050 - $2,250 Free Quote
Brain CT Scan $500 - $1,100 Free Quote
Colonoscopy $2,100 - $5,400 Free Quote
MRI Cervical Spine $1,400 - $3,000 Free Quote
Thoracic CT Scan - Thorax $825 - $1,800 Free Quote
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Featured Reviews
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
2 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
Lander Medical Center is a well kept facility that has very poor organizational managment and proceedure proticals. It is located in a town of roughly 7,000 people and the physicians and staff are less familiar with common ailments often leading to poor diagnosis. This hospital takes pride in there independent and privately operated institution that results in unforgiving billing and forberance of payment policies. They do include a sliding fee scale, but it is out of date for today's living standards. Default of payment will result in assigning patient information to collections. You may not have a choice in emergency situations where you are taken for medical attention, but if you do this facility is not recommended.
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
by on
1 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
Poor staff, very expensive.
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0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
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2 stars
2 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
Lander Medical Center is a well kept facility that has very poor organizational managment and proceedure proticals. It is located in a town of roughly 7,000 people and the physicians and staff are less familiar with common ailments often leading to poor diagnosis. This hospital takes pride in there independent and privately operated institution that results in unforgiving billing and forberance of payment policies. They do include a sliding fee scale, but it is out of date for today's living standards. Default of payment will result in assigning patient information to collections. You may not have a choice in emergency situations where you are taken for medical attention, but if you do this facility is not recommended.
0 stars
Not recommended Not Recommended
by on
1 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
0 stars
Poor staff, very expensive.
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Below are summary ratings designed to give you a quick view into how Lander Valley Medical Center compares when it comes to the quality of the care they provide, the service levels as rated by patients like you, and the value they offer in regards to the cost of care.

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